Dave Moore Chair Term: 2023-2026
Board Meetings
Black Canyon City Library
34701 Old Black Canyon Highway
Black Canyon City
Monthly, Fourth Tuesday
From 5:00 - 6:00 PM.
(No meeting June & August)

Jed Carter Vice Term: 2023-2026
What Board Members Do:
- Represent Owner/User interests in the BCCWID.
- Assure provision of quality water at an affordable price for the Owners/Users in accordance with governmental requirements.
- Run the BCCWID in a cost-efficient, businesslike manner.
- Implement policies and procedures to safeguard the BCCWID system.
- Budget for the daily operation and maintenance of the Owner/Users' multi-million dollar system. The District currently uses no property tax assessment and is totally debt free. It is completely revenue financed.
- Plan and budget a portion of revenues for long-term capital improvements.
- Schedule and attend monthly public meetings to discuss and report all aspects of the business, including financial, operations, safety issues, and the results of testing/sampling.
- Make themselves available to answer questions, address Owner/User concerns, and accept their input.
Board Meetings:
All meetings are held in accordance with the Arizona Open Meetings Law with agendas being posted in advance. In addition to the regular meetings, Special and Emergency Board Meetings may be called from time to time as needed. A formal meeting is the only time the Board can make decisions regarding the District. A quorum must be present to proceed (three of more members) and any decisions require a majority vote. The primary purpose is to discuss finances, operations, and the agenda items published for the meeting. Public involvement at the time is expected to be minimal and solely when recognized by the Chair. The Chair attempts to move the meeting along so it will finish in a reasonable period of time. The General Public is limited to addressing the Board with their comments, suggestions and/or complaints on issues or matters of concern at the end of the formal meeting during a period of Public Call. Those wishing to address the Board need not request permission in advance. However, Board action during Public Call is limited by law to the Board directing staff, or possibly a Board member, to further study the matter and report later or by placing the matter on the agenda of an upcoming Board meeting for further consideration and/or decision by the Board.
A Board Member must own property (can live elsewhere within the State of Arizona) or live at an address within the District and be a registered voter in the State (please contact Yavapai County Election Department for full qualification details). Board members are volunteers serving the Owner/Users without compensation of any kind. They are elected at two year intervals for four year terms (two or three members at each alternate election). The Water District is charged for the cost of each election by Yavapai County. That cost is a couple of hundred dollars when elections coincide with a November national election. Special elections are generally avoided by the District because costs of several thousand dollars would be assessed by the County and paid by the Water District adding additional overhead costs to the Owner/Users.