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© 2024 BCCWID
Updated: 12/15/24
Webmaster: Dave Moore
Management Team

Lisa Chandler Office Manager

Bob Hanus Operations Manager
Management Duties:
- Continues under contract with the District through July 2027 and is responsible for maintaining all of the daily financial records, including reading meters, billings, and collections.
- Is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the water system 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the full 365 days of every year.
- Is directly under the Board's supervision and is required to operate within the guidelines established by ordinance & policy procedures enacted by the Board in the best interest of the Water District.
- Is required to supply a grade II operator and to insure the District's water system complies with all federal and state water supply requirements. This involves continuous testing for contaminants and unwanted trace minerals such as arsenic.
- Supplies office space, site-to-site transportation, and other valuable services. The District has only to supply the computers and necessary software to maintain District records.